Monday, August 3, 2009

Earwig cookie

Yesterday i was making oatmeal cookies, and everything was coming a long just great! I would put a batch in and then run down to finish that movie that Addison and i were watching. Well the timer went off and it was time to go and put another one in. I opened the oven and was so pleased with my work and how good those cookies looked. I was placing them on the plate trying to make them look appatizing to the rest of the family. i looked down to find nothing but the worst thing that i could have. A burnt earwig stuck to the side of the cookie. The rest were fine for the family to eat and i of course didnt mension it to the family, someone had to eat the cookies. The went my appatite. My worst night mare of what could happen to food came true. Just a little paranoid now. So much for those. That will be my first memory next time i make oatmeal cookies, i will always remember the earwig cookie!


  1. Memo to self - be wary of eating the food laid before me when settling in at the Brown house. ;) What a funny story - sorry to hear about the cookies but at least it wasn't something you did (omitting baking soda for example) but just one of those freak events that happen.

  2. I wondered what that very ODD taste was in my spoonful of COOKIE DOUGH. Is that why you didn't finish cooking up all the dough????

  3. Haha, that is funny! I hate earwigs they are so my least favorite insect...well, there are actually alot of them I hate. I'm surprised you were able to make the rest! I would run away in fright!!! :D
